What is Zippie Rewards?
Zippie Rewards is a way of collecting and distributing reward tokens to your customers, which will be visible to them through the Zippie Wallet. These tokens can then be transferred and redeemed for selected rewards like mobile airtime.
This consists of a backend web service, accessable by HTTP API, to easily integrate into existing products and services.
Workflow Overview
To start with you can start registering rewards with our service with a unique user reference without alerting the user or interrupting existing UX workflows.
When the user would like to claim the reward tokens, they will quickly onboard with the Zippie Wallet and claim the registered rewards in the form of a payment link from our reward service.
Reward API
Our npmjs package @zippie/zippie-utils
has an easy to use javascript api for interacting with the Zippie Reward Service.
Reward Client Application
To simplify client side integration we implemented a Node.js service in a Docker Container which can be quickly deployed and exposes a RESTFUL HTTP API. https://github.com/zippiehq/reward-client
Example applications using the Zippie Rewards service can be found here: